Medjool Dateshave been a stable food in the Middle East and South Asia for as long as the fruit can be traced back in time. Although grown predominately in the Middle East; Southern California has become a strong producer of the fruit and supplies it to people across the United States. This delicious fruit has grown more and more popular within the United States and is consumed in a number of different methods including raw, shakes, and stuffed with various other substances.
There are a number of different kinds of dates avaliable the most popular being Medjool and consumed more than the others. When picked dates are classified into 3 different types which are Choice, Fancy, and Jumbo and sold with these labels. Each label refers to one of two things a. the quality of the date and b. the size of the date.
Vanilla Banana Date Smoothie Bacon Wrapped Medjool Dates Thisis just a few examples of the wonderful uses of the Medjool Date. There are hundreds of different recipies that can be made that everyone will love. With just a little research you can find a whole new level to your culinary tastes. Alongside Medjools we offer two other popular date types in the Barhi (Barhee) and Deglet Noor Dates. Deglet dates come in two stages one being the bright yellow stage where the fruit is thick with the texture of an apple or the light amber to dark brown stage. Both stages are delicious and have their own unique taste and texture. The other being the Deglet Noor which has a characteristic soft touch, a translucent blond color and a soft caramel-like taste. These three characteristics distinguish it from all other dates. Each type of date we offer is delicious in it's own right so we hope you enjoy the products you recieve from us and continue to explore the majesty that is this delicious fruit. |